Data Leakage

Published: 25 Jul 2019 Category: algo

Data Leakage是机器学习任务中很常见的一种错误,看几个类似定义


According to Kaggle, data leakage is the creation of unexpected additional information in the training data, allowing a model to make unrealistically good predictions. Or a simpler definition, anything that will make your model perform better in research than in production.


If any other feature whose value would not actually be available in practice at the time you’d want to use the model to make a prediction, is a feature that can introduce leakage to your model.


When the data you are using to train a machine learning algorithm happens to have the information you are trying to predict.


导致Data Leakage常见错误

  • bug in the model (like entering the label as a feature)
  • bug in dataset creation (like creating a feature that contains information about the future)
  • bug in the business logic (like using features that cannot be used in production)

